

[单选,材料题] By saying“we’re going to look the other way in terms of what our laws are”(Line 2,Para.4),M

A . we will turn a blind eye to your illegal status
B . we will examine the laws in a different way
C . there are other ways of enforcing the law
D . the existing laws must not be ignored



【解析】由题干中的“we’re going to look the other way”定位到第四段。在Anderson市长的话中,and连接的前后两句实际上是转折关系。“look the other way”本意是指有意忽视某些不好的方面,结合后面的“一旦国家安全被提上日程,移民工人就只能被打发掉了”推测,“look the other way in terms of what our laws are”应是指美国在劳动力紧缺时期对移民工人的非法地位睁一只眼闭一只眼。

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